Dec 4, 2023Liked by Joseph Orso

And a beautiful man he was. TRUELY! He was not able to teach your children that beauty, but he taught you...and YOU are teaching them what YOU learned from your amazing dad! I see it Joe. I see your dad in your kids. And THAT is from you and Adrianne. Beautiful family and beautiful heart and souls!

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Very touching and real. Things we are called to face for who knows what reason. Perhaps only to teach me to love more deeply. It is good sometimes to sit together. This essay provides a place. Thank you.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Joseph Orso

Joe, this is so beautiful, funny and sad. It brings back so many memories with your dad. What a great man.

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Lovely, I can relate with this: that there is no comfortable spiritual explanation for suffering, and also the sense of wondering where the person went, who they are.

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